Clarity Proofreading Service

Our Clarity service ensures there are no spelling, grammar, punctuation, or typographical errors in your document. We root out any unclear passages and rework them to make your message clear to your readers. We also check that all headings are capitalized correctly and according to your stated style. When proofreading websites, we verify all web links to make sure they work. For other types of documents, we verify up to ten (10) web links; additional web links can be proofed upon request.

We typically recommend our Clarity service for a document that you consider to be one step away from its final version, when you need someone who hasn't seen the document to look it over one more time (or in our case, two times). We'll find those subtle mistakes that you, your staff, and your A.I. bot just don't see. Your readers will love you more for your perfect document, especially when it's clear it wasn't written by ChatGPT.

If your document is in its final stage before publishing and you're not looking for help with writing your document, our Clarity service is the one to choose.

To see a sample of our Clarity service, click here.

If you're not sure which service level to choose, please see our Services Comparison Chart.




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