On September 17, 1976, NASA publicly unveiled its first space shuttle, the Enterprise, during a ceremony in Palmdale, California. Development of the aircraft-like spacecraft cost almost $10 billion and took nearly a decade. In 1977, the Enterprise became the first space shuttle to fly freely when it was lifted to a height of 25,000 feet by a Boeing 747 airplane and then released, gliding back to Edwards Air Force Base on its own accord. Try our word quiz and see how high you can soar and how far you can glide.
How Do You Rank?
Score | Your Ranking |
9-10 | Moonwalker |
7-8 | Co-pilot |
5-6 | Experiment Officer |
3-4 | Along for the ride |
0-2 | Network TV anchor |
Intro text: history.com
Definitions: Merriam-Webster 11th Collegiate Dictionary
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