On this day in 1834, President Andrew Jackson was censured by Congress for refusing to turn over confidential documents dealing with his cabinet meetings. Jackson was the first president to suffer this formal disapproval from Congress. Take our vocab test and see if Merriam or Webster should censure you today.
1. Whig:
- of or relating to a major American political party of the early 19th century favoring a strict interpretation of the Constitution to restrict the powers of the federal government and emphasizing states' rights;
- of or relating to a major political party in 18th century America traditionally advocating economic nationalism and close ties with Britain;
- a member or supporter of an American political party formed about 1834 in opposition to the Jacksonian Democrats, associated chiefly with manufacturing, commercial, and financial interests, and succeeded about 1854 by the Republican party;
- a curl or lock of hair made into a topknot on a periwig or natural coiffure.
2. confer:
- to derive as a conclusion from facts or premises;
- to submit to another's wishes, opinion, or governance usually through deference or respect;
- to bestow from or as if from a position of superiority;
- to send or direct for treatment, aid, information, or decision.
3. boodle:
- prize money;
- earnest money;
- buried treasure;
- bribe money.
4. hard-times token:
- any of the tokens issued during the controversy between the Jackson administration and the bank of the United States;
- an English halfpenny;
- a unit of value equal to 1/8 of a dollar;
- a United States 10-cent coin struck in 1792.
5. specie:
- money in paper;
- money in coin;
- imaginary money;
- money owed.
6. expunge:
- to strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion;
- to increase the extent, number, volume, or scope of;
- to speak or write at length or in detail;
- to accelerate the process or progress of.
7. riparian:
- relative condition with respect to soundness or need of repairing;
- in conflict with;
- relating to or living or located on the bank of a natural watercourse (as a river) or sometimes of a lake or a tidewater;
- characterized by concern with what is opportune.
8. bridge loan:
- a short-term loan used to finance an enterprise, investment, or government pending the receipt of other funds;
- material assistance provided for launching an enterprise or for a person in difficult circumstances;
- the excess market value of collateral over the face of a loan;
- a bond let for the construction of a bridge.
9. hermitage:
- the dwelling of a farm laborer or small farmer;
- a secluded residence or private retreat;
- shelter or protection from danger or distress;
- a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director.
10. vomitory:
- a place of confinement;
- an entrance piercing the banks of seats of a theater, amphitheater, or stadium;
- refuge for the indigent;
- a college dormitory on a Friday night.
Correct answers:
1c; 2c; 3d; 4a; 5b; 6a; 7c; 8a; 9b; 10b
Let's see how Jackson would deal with you:
# Correct | Message |
All 10 | Old Hickory would respect you. |
7-9 | Old Hickory would tolerate you. |
4-6 |
Old Hickory would scoff at you. |
2-3 |
Old Hickory would fire you. |
0-1 | Old Hickory would shoot you. |