We don't mean the edible dates, and we don't mean jaunts to the movies with your cutie. We are writing this week on the proper expression of dates in time.
Posted by Phil Jamieson Dec 6, 2012 12:30:00 PM
We don't mean the edible dates, and we don't mean jaunts to the movies with your cutie. We are writing this week on the proper expression of dates in time.
Topics: dates, writing dates
Posted by Diane Hawkins Nov 30, 2010 4:30:00 AM
Have you ever noticed that many professional letters you receive at your home or business are absent one very important piece of information—the date? If I had a gold dollar for every piece of correspondence that was prepared without a date at the top to indicate when the news was issued, I could afford to miss every deadline imposed by their limited-time offers:
Topics: dates, missing dates