GrammarPhile Blog

Gettysburg Revisited

Posted by Sara Richmond   Nov 30, 2023 7:30:00 AM

A Case for Useless Degrees

“You have a degree in English. You’re not going to be able to find another job,” the CEO said.

It was 2007. I’d graduated from college and hadn’t immediately become a best-selling author with minimal effort. After taking a few minutes to recover from that shock, I applied for a job at a financial services company in their auto insurance line.

I worked there for two months before my then-husband received a sudden, permanent change of duty station, out of state. (Military spouses have notoriously abysmal unemployment rates, and this is a perfect example of why.)

After several months of searching, I landed a temp job at a beauty manufacturer as an executive assistant. The pay was as depressing as the atmosphere. You know the vocational honeymoon season followed by a slow-growing awareness that you’re being boiled alive? The honeymoon was approximately 30 seconds long. I felt a strong impulse to plow into a ditch every morning as I drove to work.

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Topics: effective writing, creative writing

Formatting Tips to Make Your Writing Stand Out

Posted by Phil Jamieson   May 18, 2017 7:30:00 AM

Most writers want to believe their writing will be read, understood, liked, and shared with others simply because it’s well written. They believe the essence and content of their writing and its message is what really matters. But that’s not always the case. Many times documents and posts will go unread simply because they’re not properly formatted, regardless of their content.

Use the tips below to format your writing in a way that will make it stand out, and make it easier for your audience to read. 

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Topics: business writing, effective writing, consistency in writing

Are You Damaging Your Professional Reputation?

Posted by Conni Eversull   May 11, 2017 7:30:00 AM

Formality in the workplace has waned, but don’t let that affect your sense of professionalism, especially when you’re writing something on a digital device. Once you type something on your computer, there is a permanent record of it. Quickly typed emails can be saved and shared. Even deleted documents and posts can be recovered. So you should be cautious of writing mistakes you’re prone to make, and avoid them before they damage your reputation.

Here’s a list of writing errors that can damage your reputation, and what you can do to avoid making them.

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Topics: business writing, formal writing, effective writing, informal writing

How to Build a Successful Writing Culture for Your Team or Organization

Posted by Kelly Creighton   May 4, 2017 7:30:00 AM

teamworkBusinesses spend millions of dollars on advertising, day-to-day operations, research and development, personnel, and acquisitions. But they seldom focus on how they will develop and manage a successful writing culture. Yet building and maintaining a successful writing culture for a business is essential to all its operations. It establishes effective and clear communication, and fosters a collaborative and positive environment. 

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Topics: business writing, effective writing

5 Ways Reading Fiction Helps Your Business Writing Skills

Posted by Kelly Creighton   Apr 13, 2017 7:30:00 AM

Cognitive science research shows that reading fiction makes you a more well-rounded person and will improve your quality of life both personally and professionally.

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Topics: business writing, effective writing, writing skills

Fun Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills in 2017

Posted by Phil Jamieson   Jan 4, 2017 7:30:00 AM


If one of your New Year's resolutions is to improve your writing skills, you won't need to roll out of bed by 5 a.m. to go to your local gym. You can keep this resolution anywhere.

Like any resolution that's worth keeping, improving your writing skills will take some effort. The good news is that it doesn't need to be cumbersome. Learning how to write well takes practice. Learning how to have fun while writing takes practice and a bit of creativity.

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Topics: writing tips, writing, effective writing

The Semicolon and Independent Clauses

Posted by Phil Jamieson   Sep 13, 2011 5:30:00 AM

It is not uncommon to see commas, semicolons, and periods confused when it comes to joining two independent clauses for forceful and effective writing. Make your writing more powerful by understanding the proper use of the semicolon.

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Topics: punctuation, periods, independent clauses, effective writing

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