GrammarPhile Blog

Latin Abbreviations

Posted by Phil Jamieson   Aug 23, 2011 5:30:00 AM

Roman ColiseumOkay, you're in a multi-person conversation, and somebody presents a provocative conjecture. A back-and-forth ensues in which facts are presented and arguments are made. A conclusion is drawn. Someone speaks the letters "Q-E-D." People nod and disperse.

What did that mean? Learn q.e.d. and more from the following list of common Latin abbreviations:


ad lib.  ad libitum  as much as you like
 ca. or c.  circa  around
 cf.  confer  compare with
 DV  Deo volente  God willing
 e.g.  exempli gratia  for example
 et al.  et alii (et aliae, et alia)  and other things
 etc.  etcetera  and so on
 ibid.  ibidem  in the same source
 i.e.  id est  that is
 loc. cit.  loco citato  in the place previously cited  
MA  Magister Artium  master of arts
NB  nota bene  note well
pro tem.  pro tempore  for the time, temporarily
q.e.d.  quod erat demonstrandum  thus proved
RIP  requiescat in pace  may he rest in peace
sic  sic  thus, or literally
vox pop.  vox populi  voice of the people



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