GrammarPhile Blog

10 Tips for Better Business Writing (Part 2)

Posted by Terri Porter   Feb 25, 2015 6:00:00 AM

In last week’s post, we discussed the first three tips relating to how to make the content of your business writing better:

1. Know the purpose of the piece and make it clear up front.
2. Write in plain English.
3. Use active voice.

Below we provide the remaining three tips related to improving content, and in Part 3 we’ll tell you how to fine-tune what you’ve written.

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Topics: business writing, writing tips, legal writing, public relations writing, medical writing, marketing writing, 10 helpful tips

10 Tips for Better Business Writing (Part 1)

Posted by Terri Porter   Feb 18, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Excellent advice abounds for how to be a better writer in specific fields: public relations/marketing, law, medicine, technology, etc. Despite the nuances specific to those disciplines, certain rules for good business writing apply across the board. Our tips aren’t all-inclusive, but if you follow these guidelines, you’ll improve your business writing exponentially.

We discuss the first six tips, relating to content, today and in Part 2 next week. The third week in Part 3 we'll talk about how to fine-tune what you’ve written.

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Topics: business writing, writing tips, legal writing, writing for your audience, public relations writing, medical writing, marketing writing

Do you write really good? Please say it ain't so!

Posted by Julie DeSilva   Sep 27, 2011 5:30:00 AM

Don't "wreck" your writing by misusing adverbs as adjectives, and don't "get lost" misusing adjectives as adverbs.

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Topics: adverbs, adjectives, writing tips

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