Who will win today? Anyone? Everyone! Individuals? Organizations? Even Unions?
The vowels are A, E, I, O, and U. If you thought Y was a vowel, you’re only half right since Y is a semi-vowel.
Here’s an interesting thought, one that probably had not occurred to you earlier today, this week, or even this lifetime: Vowels are created by the free passage of breath through the larynx and mouth. When the mouth is obstructed during speech production—most often by the tongue or teeth—the resulting sound is a consonant. Try that right now.
Want more about vowels? Here are 10 of the 4,000-plus English words containing all the vowels. If you get them all, you’ll get an A. If you get none, you’ll get that consonant that comes after E.
Figure Your Rating:
# Correct | Rating |
All 10 | You even know what's special about the red words! |
8-9 | Your skills are still majestious (majestic). |
6-7 | Your answers were placentious (pleasing). |
3-5 | Your answers were facetious (facetious). |
1-2 | Your college degree was larcenious (stolen). |
0 | The space between your ears is aerious (airhead). |