GrammarPhile Blog

Give Us Examples of Bad Grammar or Writing in Publications

Posted by Phil Jamieson   Dec 7, 2010 5:30:00 AM

Thanks for reading our GrammarPhile blog.

Because you do read our blog, I bet you are someone who cares about the quality of English grammar, punctuation, and word usage today. That's good. The world needs more people like you (and so do we!).

So why do you care? What does good writing mean to you? Does it really matter to you that a Wall Street Journal writer doesn't seem to know the difference between premier and premiere? Do you really even blink when you hear a prominent senator use I when he meant to use me? (As in "The president spoke with Senator Boxer and I about the matter earlier today.")

If these things mean much to you, you're a kindred spirit. Welcome to Help fill our folders with examples of needy writing this week. We're looking for tangible examples of prominent misuse of the language:

  • Bad grammar
  • Misspellings
  • Wrong words

All in high places. (Your local Chinese restaurant's menu doesn't count but a citation in a prominent newspaper does.) Or from a brand-name website. Or a full-page ad in any newspaper or magazine.

Post your citation here with your comment no later than midnight ET on Monday, December 20, 2010. Let us know. We're looking.

We'll put your name into a hat and draw a winner for an Amazon gift certificate, just in time for the holidays!

Topics: misspelled words, misspellings, misused words, word usage

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