Ditch These 2 Words from Your Copy
We have the opportunity to edit a variety of documents at ProofreadNOW.com, from technical to medical to legal to financial to marketing and then some.
Two words that consistently show up in the documents we edit are forms of the words “get” and “help.” So, let me get you some help for writing your material!
First, the word “get” is considered the lazy man’s verb. And it is. Choosing the word “get” is the easy way out. There are hundreds of verbs that could easily take the place of the word “get,” but we are sometimes lazy and in a hurry and simply type that “g-e-t.”
Below are several sentences. Choose the one that you like best; then ask yourself why you like it more than the other one.
- If ACME is unable to get you an answer within 24 hours, we’ll get you a refund.
- If ACME is unable to provide an answer within 24 hours, we’ll give you a refund.
- Our technical experts will get your company through tough times.
- Our technical experts will move your company through tough times.
- Our technical experts will lead your company out of tough times.
- Our technical experts will guide your company through tough times.
See, you get it! Er, I mean, you understand, right?
The word “help” and its variations can be eliminated from copy in almost all instances. Using the word “help” mostly weakens the sentence, as well as the point you are trying to make. Take a look at the below examples. Notice how easily the word “help” can be eliminated to make a bolder statement (which is extremely beneficial for marketing copy).
- Using our servers helps ensure that your content is secure.
- Using our servers ensures that your content is secure.
- Our wealth advisors will help guide you to your retirement goals.
- Our wealth advisors will guide you to your retirement goals.
- If we can’t meet your deadline, we’ll help you find a contractor who can!
- If we can’t meet your deadline, we’ll find you a contractor who can!
I would much rather put my confidence in a company that assertively states it will do something for me instead of being wishy-washy and offering to “help” do something for me. I want results!
So, Get Help!
And what about the copy that uses both “weak” words in one sentence?
- If you want to get your documents out on time, ProofreadNOW.com can help provide quality service within quick turnaround times—helping you to meet your expectations every time!
- If you want to distribute your documents on time, ProofreadNOW.com can provide quality service within quick turnaround times—meeting your expectations every time!
I don’t know about you, but I want ProofreadNOW.com #2 reviewing my documents!