GrammarPhile Blog

Thanksgiving 2020

Posted by Conni Eversull   Nov 25, 2020 7:45:46 AM

pumpkins and candleWhat can I say about 2020? This has and continues to be the most different and difficult year I’ve lived through. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I’ve had a hard time getting into the holiday mood. But I realize that as difficult as the past months have been, I do have lots to be thankful for. And I owe it to my family to uphold some of our holiday traditions.

So, this week, rather than write a grammar topic, I thought we at would share some things we’re thankful for.

As a company, we’re thankful that:

  • there are lots of people who don't know their colons from their semicolons!
  • our clients continue to support us by sending us their documents for proofreading and editing.
  • we have the opportunity to help more and more people who otherwise might publish needy documents.
  • we have a team of dedicated editors who are available to our clients around the clock.

Personally, I’m thankful our family has remained healthy. I’m thankful that, because I work from home, I’ve been able to help my grandkids with their home schooling. (Can’t say it’s always easy, but we’re doing it!) And I’m thankful that our business model is such that we could provide services to our clients throughout this difficult time.

Here are thoughts from some of our staff:

From Phil:

I am thankful that no proofreaders have reported any symptoms. I am also thankful that our customers remain healthy.

From Nicole:

Things I'm thankful for:

  • Modern medicine
  • Streaming TV and movies
  • Lazy days at home with family
  • My senior dog
  • New opportunities
  • Employment
  • Birthdays
  • Pajama pants
  • The ability to watch my kid grow up

From Yashmyn:

I am very thankful for family, friends, and frontline workers. I’m also thankful for those who care enough to get their content proofread by folks (us!) who care about that content too.

From Marie:

I am truly thankful for so many blessings in my life that seem trite, except that I realized they are not. "I am grateful for the love and kindness of my family and friends," for example, is a common response, yet there are many who are indeed alone in the world (or feel that way). So I guess I am grateful for family and friends who regularly remind me, as I do them, that we all matter to one and another.

From Amy:

I am so very grateful for my children's health, good work for my partner and me, and the time we all have together on this earth. I am also grateful for the simple kindness of strangers and the willingness of people to take care of each other selflessly -- lessons that have been a silver lining even in this awful pandemic.

From Jane:

  • I am thankful for all the healthcare workers who are trying so hard to help so many people in such difficult circumstances.
  • I am thankful for hope.
  • I am thankful for random acts of kindness that I've seen and heard about.

From Sara R:

I am thankful the beauty of the outdoors hasn't changed. It's become that much more important to cherish during the chaos of the past year.

From Cheri:

I'm thankful for my family! I'm thankful that something I've had a lifelong enthusiasm for--photography--has been developing [hah!] into something more for me this year. Yes, during a pandemic, throw caution to the wind and try something new! So I have added photography to my freelance endeavors and have officially begun Toes in the Daisies Photography. Definitely something to be thankful for.

From Sarah W:

I’m thankful for a job that lets me pick my kids up from school every day… and for the thought that it’s nearly Christmas (my favourite time of the year)!

From Kimberly:

My 24/7 best friend, Shiloh—a 7-year-old rescued dog who keeps me (and my rescued cats) entertained.

From Margo:

I'm thankful for the ability to work from home, before it was required or possibly even cool.

If you’re so inclined, please share with us what you’re grateful for in the comments below. We wish you all a safe and healthy holiday!

Happy Thanksgiving


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